The Sentinel Chronicles:
Prelude to Darkness (2017)
Short 12 mins
Action Sci Fi Grindhouse
Staring Angela Robinson and John Stottman
Originally began in 1998 as an independent print media company known as Atomic Bomb Enterprises Jay Welin founder and a collection of artists and writers began publishing. Their first project was a short lived 1 year print magazine entitled Propaganda. In 2001 moving into the age of the internet efforts were focused online with the creation of Pyrate X Satellite: a multi-media independent radical journalism project. It would evolve into UMN, Micro-Studios (Underground Media Network) and later ANDtv ( ARMEd and Dangerous - Atlanta Radical Media Expirement). The birth of the studio was in 2004. Beginning with politically motivated sketch comedy and stop motion Jay and his team would in 2007 transition to "film making" and main stream media production. Launching Atlanta's first dedicated sci fi webseries The Sentinel Chronicles which included 2 seasons and over a dozen short films and a feature in its 12 year production run. Stepping into more mainstream productions the studio has worked on everything from award nominated short films, to features, sports entertainment, commercials and feature films.
Latest News
Behind The Scenes
Black Friday (2018)
Sci Fi, Action, Holiday
Short 1 min
Staring Jimmy Miller,
Clark Spalding and Sheridan C. Hall
The Sentinel Chronicles:
Know your Enemy (2017)
Action Sci Fi
Short 21 mins
Staring Erick Jackson and
Beth Beck
The Sentinel Chronicles 2023:
Tears in the Snow (2018)
Action, Sci Fi, Noir
Staring Spencer Korcz and
Riker Hill
The Sentinel Chronicles:
Impossibility of Reason (2017)
Short 7 mins
War, Action , Sci Fi
Staring John Stottman, Caitlyn Corbin and Sheridan C. Hall
The Undead From Space (2018)
Zombie, Horror, Comedy, Action
Short 17 mins
Staring James Tackett,
John Stottman, Jimmy Miller and
Clark Spalding